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Termite Control

Termites are known as "silent destroyers" because of their ability to chew through wood, flooring and even wallpaper undetected. There are about 2,000 known termite species in the world.

Termites can enter the home through many access points, such as expansion joints, foundation cracks, hollow bricks or concrete blocks, spaces where floors and walls meet, and even the smallest openings around plumbing and electrical connections. 

​Termites are often referred to as “white ants” as they resemble an ant. Unlike ants, termites cause extensive structural damage to properties if they are not controlled by qualified pest control specialists.

They are white, as the name “white ant” implies, with soft bodies and hard powerful jaws which allow them to chew through all wooden materials.

In Gauteng, our climate promotes termite infestation, thus, we have two prevalent termite species namely subterranean and harvester termites. Harvester termites attack lawns leaving behind round patches of stripped grass whereas subterranean termites attack all wood within structures.

 Signs of a Termite Infestation


You might notice swarms of termites emerge from - or near your house. Swarmers typically emerge in Spring to search for new mates and new places to build nests. 

​Swarmers are not good flyers; they often shed their wings and crawl away. A pile of discarded wings is another clue that termites are present.​ Since swarmers are attracted to light, they tend to be around doors and windows. They also don’t live very long indoors, so you might find dead swarmers or discarded wings near windowsills and entryways.

Mud Tubes

Next, check your property for mud tubes. Mud tubes look like narrow veins along the side of your home. These tubes start from the ground and tend to run towards areas with exposed wood.

If you find mud tubes, you can confirm if you have an active termite infestation by breaking off a piece of the mud tube and checking for live termites. Even if you don’t find any at first, come back later to check if the tube has been repaired.

Termite Droppings

Drywood termites produce wood-colored droppings as they eat through infested wood. If a homeowner finds a small pile of what looks like pellets inside or outside the home, it could be a sign of a drywood termite infestation.

Wood Damage

Termites tend to eat wood from the inside out, so wood that sounds hollow when tapped often signifies a termite infestation.

Free Termite Inspection

As you will see on the picture to your right, termites are very small, almost undetectable. This picture was zoomed in full to actually see the termite on the tiles.

If you notice any of these signs or suspect an infestation, contact our team at Expert Pest Control for a free termite inspection. We’ll determine whether you actually have termites, then discuss a treatment plan with you.

Why is Termite Control Required

Termites feed on any wood product which contains cellulose including cupboards, skirting’s, doors, frames, lawns and even your roof rafters. When feeding, termites eat from the inside out, leaving only a thin layer of timber or paint with NO structural integrity.

​Swift termite control is extremely important as insurance companies usually do not cover the damage caused.

How to Control Termites

This is where we as the Pest Control Experts come in! Our pest control services extend to providing free quotations with recommendations and a termite control plan. Where a subterranean termite infestation is prevalent we would need to treat the nests.

This is done by drilling through your foundations under the floor and injecting a termiticide to prevent future infestations. If harvester termites are found on your lawn, we use high pressure pumps to inject the nests with termiticide.

​There are two types of Soil Poisoning: Repellent – Repellent termiticides work by creating a treated zone around a house that is toxic to termites. Termites avoid the soil treated with repellent termiticides. This type of soil poisoning is most commonly used in pre-construction.